

Definition of breaking a table

Breaking up a table means taking it apart and assigning the players who were playing at it to another table. Tables are "broken" in tournaments mainly to balance the number of players. For example, initially, if there were 100 players in the tournament, there would probably be 10 tables of 10 players. But as players get eliminated, the tables become unbalanced. To avoid some tables playing four players while others play ten, we will break the tables to reassign players to new tables. The reassignment of players will be done by random draw.

Consequences of a broken table

For the player, when his table is broken, it can have advantages or disadvantages. If he was surrounded by pro players, he will be happy to leave the table, but if he was against beginners, he will probably be nostalgic for his starting table. The other disadvantage for the player is that all the mental notes he has on his opponents will no longer be valid because he will be playing against new players. On the other hand, if he is competent, he can take advantage of the fact that nobody has any information about him at his new table to, for example, bluff or try new games.

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