

Definition of fee

The "fee" is an English word meaning "charge". Fee as in "entrance fee". Even if we literally translate fee into costs, the word used in French is "commission". The other term used is rake. All forms of poker have their fees that the house takes. If you are a tournament player, you will see for example a tournament advertised as follows: 10+1. You then know that €10 will go into the main prize pool and €1 will go to the house (casino or online gaming room) as a fee.

Fee or rake in cash games

Fees are also applicable in cash games. In tournaments, usually 10% of the entry fee will be taken as a fee. This is especially true for smaller tournaments. When you have higher buy-in tournaments, it is possible that the fees are lower (lower percentage). In cash games, the system is different. Many poker rooms will not charge a commission (or fee) if there is no flop no rake. If there is a flop, between 3% and 5% of the size of the pot will be charged as a rake up to a pre-agreed maximum (it depends on the room, but it is rare for a room to charge more than €4 on a pot, no matter how big the pot is).

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