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Definition of rake

Rake means "the rake" or "the rake". The rake is what collects the commission from each pot played in poker. In short, the rake is the commission paid to the poker room. In cash games, it is called "commission". In tournament poker, it is called an entry fee. A tournament with 100??? + 10??? will be a 100??? tournament that will go to the paid seats and 10??? will be to cover the commission fee. This money will go to the casino, online or physical gaming room. The rake is relatively the same everywhere.

How is the rake calculated?

In tournaments, the rake is usually 10%. If you play a 10-person tournament, you will pay 1 penny in rake. If you play a 100??? tournament, you will pay 10??? in rake. As for the cash games, it depends on the game room. The majority of online gaming rooms will have a commission cap. This cap will usually be 3??? per pot. So whether you have played a 100??? pot or a 5000?? pot, when you win the pot, in both cases, 3??? will be taken out of the pot to go into commission. If the pot is smaller than that, then usually between 4% and 10% of the pot size is deducted. Some live casinos do not have a rake cap on cash games.

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