
Definition of royal flush

A royal flush is a royal flush! It is the strongest poker hand there is. There are 4 types of royal flush: T-J-Q-K-A all hearts, spades, diamonds or clubs. This hand is extremely rare and that is why it is so strong. The rarer a hand is in poker, the stronger it is. Even with a hand like JT suited, you will only flop a royal flush 0.005% of the time! No poker hand can beat a royal flush and the top hand in terms of strength is the straight flush (for example 5-6-7-8-9 all in spades).

Royal flush and badbeat jackpot

If you are playing online and have a badbeat jackpot in effect at your table (progressive jackpot), you may be able to win that jackpot with your royal flush if you ever win against a straight flush or four of a kind. Most of the time, a badbeat jackpot is won when a player loses with a minimum of a 4-of-8 with two cards in hand (in this case, with 88 in hand). If you win the hand with your royal flush (still considering your two cards face down), you would get 25% of the progressive jackpot (the loser of the hand would get 50% of the badbeat for losing with such a strong hand).

Royal flush