Definition of ABC
What is meant by ABC is a style of play of a given player. A player whose style is described as ABC is a player who will have a basic poker style, that is, a player who will play according to the strength of his hand. When the ABC player has a good hand, he will bet; when he raises or overraises, he will have a very strong hand. When he is all in preflop, he will have a premium (AA, KK, AK, QQ). This type of ABC player bluffs little or never. This is not a recommended style except perhaps in micro-limit games, since this style is predictable.
Example sentences with the phrase ABC
- I had a good hand preflop, but the player who raised me all in is very ABC, so I think he had aces or kings.
- This is a perfect candidate for a bluff since the player is very ABC. Our bluff will have good success here against this type of player.
- On the river, I had the second nuts and my opponent check-raised me all in. Normally I would have called, but the player is very ABC and doesn't really tend to bluff. I think it's best to fold in this situation.