
Definition of tile

Diamonds is one of the four suits used in a classic 52-card deck. Most of the time it is red like the heart. For convenience, some online poker rooms will offer you the option of using all four suits. You will see spades in black, clubs in green, hearts in red and diamonds in blue, making it easier to read the board when playing multiple tables.

The value of colors

In poker, colors have the same value at the base. Receiving a hand like 7-8 of clubs preflop has the same value as 7-8 of diamonds. However, some games will break down the flushes. This ranking can be used when you want to select the first person to be dealer in a friendly game. For example, there are ten players around a table and you want to know who is going to start as dealer. So you deal a random card to each player. Let's say that for this time, you have determined that the player who receives the highest card will be the dealer. In our example, two players receive an ace. To break the tie, we will use the suit ranking. In this ranking system, the Ace of Spades will be the highest card of the 52 cards in the deck.


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