
Holdem ManagerHoldem Manager

Definition of High Stakes

High stakes poker is the high limits. Not everyone will agree on the precise definition of limits, but here is a rough categorization of poker limits. If you play tournaments at 20??? and under, you are playing micro-limits. If you play tournaments between 21??? and 100???, you are playing small limits. If you play tournaments between 101??? and 600???, you play medium limits. And if you play tournaments between 600??? and 10,000???, you are probably playing high stakes. Tournaments of 100,000??? and above are often referred to as nosebleeds. In cash games, tables that will have blinds at 5???/10?? (1000??? buy-in) are often referred to as high stakes tables.

Higher limit = fiercer competition

Obviously, it's not all about money. When we talk about high stakes, we are also talking about a world-class level. A player who is a regular player in high stakes cash games has a very good chance of being a formidable player. If you are a regular loser at the high stakes tables, you probably have millions in the bank that you have earned on the job. High stakes games are becoming fewer and farther between as the caliber of players gets stronger. High stakes players will often prefer to go to the mid-limit tables to face weaker competition.