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Definition of balaclava

The expression poker hood can have several meanings. One is a very large monetary loss in a single evening. It can also be called a "downswing". A hood is a session that puts a hole in the bankroll.

Hooded player, pigeon, fish, noob

Another possible use of the word hood is to describe a hooded player. The hooded player is often a beginner, a player who does not understand the subtleties of the game. In English and even in French we can also call him a "noob" (beginner). The hooded player often has no idea that he is the hooded player.

Many words to describe the same type of player. Poker is a complex game and winning players have put in many hours of study to get to the level they are at. But not everyone has the same ambitions. Some neophytes will show up at your tables without much knowledge just to have fun betting on their luck. Although the hooded player or fish has a bad reputation, it is still the reason why the poker economy is running. And to paraphrase a famous movie: "At a poker table, if you haven't spotted the hooded player in the first 5 minutes, the hooded player is you".