
Definition of poker face

What is meant by "poker face" is a neutral face, no matter what the situation, an icy face, an impassive face. Some beginning players will give themselves away by their facial expressions. For example, some players will be disinterested in the game until they have a hand to play. As soon as they receive their pair of aces or kings, their face lights up and they try unsuccessfully to hide their smile. This is the opposite of a poker face. The poker face will be the same when you bluff, when you have a royal flush, as when you have an average hand. It doesn't matter what hand you're holding, you should always have the same facial expression.

It is not only the poker face that betrays

You've probably heard a lot about the "poker face" as something that can give away a poker player, but there are several other clues to an opponent's hand. First, many players will have dilated pupils when they have a very strong hand. Others may have sweaty or shaky hands when they have a big play. Some players may even get sweaty foreheads when they have a very strong hand. If you play live poker, always be on the lookout for these little details!