
Definition of pot size raise

A "pot size raise" is a raise of the size of the pot. It is the maximum raise you can make when playing pot limit poker. It is usually a sign of strength. A player who makes a pot size raise is usually very strong and quickly seeks to put his entire stack in the middle of the table. Since many people find it difficult to calculate the size of a pot size raise, we will give an example below to clarify.

How to calculate a pot size raise?

If you play online poker, no problem, the software will calculate the raise for you. But if you are playing pot limit poker with friends, how will you calculate the size of a pot size raise? Let's take an example. You are on the turn, a player bets 10??? in 75??? and you want to make a pot size raise. The total pot is 85??? so the raise will be 85??? right? No! If you make a pot size raise at this point, you will have to calculate the size of the pot after your opponent's bet. In reality, everything is done in one move, but let's pretend that the game is done in two steps. In step 1, we level the bet at 10? Now the pot is 95. If we make a pot size raise, we make it 95, to which we add our 10 initial bet, so the raise will be 105!

Pot size raise
