

Definition of over-reliance

Preflop, when you pay the blind, we say you limp. If you raise to 2 or 3 or 4 big blinds, we say you raise. And if a player raises your raise to say 10 big blinds, we say he makes an over raise. This play is also called a 3bet. You can over-raise because you have a very good hand or because you want to steal from the player who raises. For example, if a player makes a steal (raise from the cutoff or button), a player in the small blind may decide to make an over-raise (restraal or 3bet) to win the pot.

Surrelance and 3bet

There is a clear understanding of what an over-reliance is. But it's not necessarily the vocabulary that will be used the most. At the poker tables, with your friends and even on the trackers, you are more likely to hear the term 3bet, which is the 3rd bet (bet, raise and over-raise). If a player raises an over-raise, it is called a 4bet. Generally, a 4bet is polarized, meaning that it is done either as a bluff or because you are very strong.
