
Holdem ManagerHoldem Manager

Definition of ROI

R.O.I. stands for Return On Investment. ROI is mostly calculated by tournament and sit'n'go players. The ROI can be calculated in several ways. The purpose of calculating ROI is always to find out if we are profitable or not in poker and what our hourly rate is. Let's take a simple example. We play 100 tournaments at 10.00 +1.00 each. At the end of these 100 tournaments, we calculate that we have amassed a total of 2,000.00. Here, our investment is 11??? x100 = 1100???. Our profit is 2000??? (winnings) - 1100 (investment) = 900????. We have played 100 tournaments for a profit of 900??? so we win an average of 9??? per tournament (900???/100 tournaments = 9???).

More details on ROI

From this information, we can calculate our hourly wage. How much money did we make in how many hours of play? According to the information gathered above, we learn that for every 11??? investment we made a net profit of 9??? which gives us a % return on our investment of 81%, which is very high! If you ever get paid to play poker or want to request staking to play poker, this information will be crucial.

Holdem ManagerHoldem Manager