
Holdem ManagerHoldem Manager

Definition of swap

A swap is an equal exchange of shares. For example, two players play a 500??? tournament. ??? From the moment they register, they have 100% of their share. The players can decide to swap with each other, i.e. exchange shares in the tournament. Player 1 could say to player 2, I give you 10% of my tournament in exchange for 10% of your tournament shares. When the deal is done, the players will have to give the other player 10% of any money they win in the tournament. So if Player 1 has a paid seat of 1000, he will give Player 2 100.

Swap is mostly about tournaments

The term swap is associated with the world of stocks and the stock market, but it also applies to poker. Poker tournaments should be seen as an action that may or may not pay off. When making a swap, for it to be fair, it is important that the tournament is of equal value. We also do swaps with players who are of the same caliber as us, otherwise the swap would not be fair.
