
Holdem ManagerHoldem Manager

Definition of slowplay

Slowplay is when you have a very strong hand that you play passively. There are several reasons for slowplaying. Firstly, if our hand is too strong, it is better to slowplay to give our opponents a chance to hit something. If we have 77 in hand on 7-7-2, it is clear that we will not get much action. Playing passively (slowplay) will be imperative.

The different reasons for doing a slowplay

We can also slowplay because we are out of position against an aggressive player. If we have 77 out of 782 and we have the initiative against an aggressive player, it might be interesting to play passively to get him to bluff us. If we bet, we can convince him that we have a hand and he might fold, but if we slowplay, we might get him to bluff us, in other words, to give us money that he wouldn't have otherwise. We can also slowplay to let our opponents know that it is not necessarily because we are playing passively that we do not have a good hand. Slowplay has several virtues.