
Definition of carpet

A poker tournament stack is the total amount of chips a player has. In English, we speak of his stack, a word that is often used even by French speakers. In cash games, the stack is the total amount of big blinds a player has. If he has bought in for 100 big blinds and won a few pots to bring his total blinds to 180 big blinds or say 360??? in a case where the big blinds are 2???, this amount will be identified as his stack.

The carpet, a powerful tool for the poker player

An all-in is not just abstract information about a player. An all-in is also a tool that you can use to your advantage, to bluff or take certain risks. For example, if you have 180 big blinds in your stack and a player before you has only 10 big blinds which he pushes all in, since his stack is small, to go to the showdown, you know that it will only cost you 10 big blinds. And if the player had 180 big blinds as well, you would know going into the hand that it's your entire stack you're risking.

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