
Holdem ManagerHoldem Manager

Definition of outplay

To be outplayed is to be completely dominated by another player. A player outplays another player, for example, when he makes him fold the best hand. To make an outplay, you need to have a good idea of your opponent's range. The better you can assess your opponent's range, the easier it is to outplay him. If an NL25??? player goes to play at the NL400??? tables, there is a good chance that he will be outplayed, i.e. greatly outplayed by the competition.

Calling in position to outplay a player

You may have heard the expression "Here I call in position for the outplay". A good player is in position with an average hand. A weak player opens before him. The player in position would normally fold his marginal hand, but he says to himself, "This player is weak, I'm going to call in position for the outplay. He calls the bet and as soon as he sees a weakness in his opponent, he bluffs. The player out of position folds the bet and has just been outplayed by a better player. If a player outplays you, don't get too proud and try to play the minimum number of hands against that player.
